Deepavali 2015

Tuesday (in Singapore anyway) was Deepavali, “the festival of lights”. It’s one of the biggest festivals in the Hindu calendar; celebrating “Light overcoming Darkness”. The story that I grew up with was the victory of Rama over Lord Ravana and his return to Ayodhya; the people kept oiil lamps (Deepams) burning during the battle as well as for Ram’s return following his victory.

The weeks leading up to Deepavali, we would give the house a good spring clean. There would be the obligatory family trip to IKEA to buy fabric for curtains as well as new carpets. Many trips to Little India to buy new clothes (sarees, Salwars, Kurtas), a new incense burner for the altar, groceries from Tekka, to see Serangoon Road all lit up, to soak in the atmosphere at the night bazaars and not to mention eating our fill of paper Dosas at Komala Villa’s. We also bake LOTS of treats: pineapple tarts, murruku, biscuits, cakes and agar-agar (jelly). One of my favourite rituals is to remember our relatives who are no longer with us- mom cooks my grandparents’ favourite dishes, that are offered during the prayers and we then sit down to a family meal; mom and dad then regale my brother and me with stories of their childhood.

On Deepavali day, we get up early, have an oil bath, or we rub some gingelly oil in our hair, offer prayers, get dressed in our new clothes and go to the temple. When my grannies were alive, all my relatives would gather at their place, and we would gorge ourselves with the goodies and yummy home-cooked meals. It was a day we go to celebrate as an extended family and also with friends. In Singapore, it’s a one-day public holiday but the celebrations (house visits) go on for at least a week!

Living away from home during this time, always makes me homesick; I miss the baking with my mom, the buzz of excitement, especially since Christmas decorations are already up and shops are geared towards that holiday. At the same time, it’s a more intimate celebration with my family.

S and mom making tarts last year in Singapore
S, this year, putting final decorations on the pineapple tarts
Deepavli goodies clockwise from the top: Pineapple tarts, chocolate-orange cake, Laddu, Gula Melaka agar-agar, butter cookies, chocolate chip cookies
Keeping K busy while I bake

Recipe Bibliography

Chocolate chip cookies: One girl cookies: Recipes for Cakes, Cupcakes, Whoopie Pies and Cookies from Brooklyn’s Beloved Bakery by Dawn Casale and David Crofton

Butter cookies:

Orange-chocolate cake: “Store-Cupboard Chocolate Orange Cake” How to be a Domestic Goddess by Nigella Lawson



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