Leftover day

Any day is leftover day really. I was working from home yesterday and didn’t want to head out for lunch, so I poked about in the kitchen and pulled out these ingredients; figured I could make my version of a Waldorf salad.


I diced the roast chicken (all of what you see in the picture),

diced half the green apple

chopped one sprig of tarragon

in a small bowl I mixed 1.5 tblsp of Mayonaise with 1/2 tblsp of white balsamic (you can omit this if you don’t have it, in fact I would reduce it to 1 scant tsp) and 1 heaping tsp wholegrain mustard, a squeeze of lime (because I didn’t fancy cutting up the lemon). If it is too tangy, add a little honey (1/2tsp).

Stir in the chicken, apple and tarragon, salt and peper to taste and tuck in.


It was quite tangy, while I like it that way, you could always build up the tang slowly by starting with the lime or lemon juice and working your way up.

In case you are wondering that was chopped basil I sprinkled on top- I had every intention of making basil butter the other day but I didn’t have the will to follow through!

and no you didn’t misread, I didn’t use any mozarella.



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