The holiday season

December was a busy month; apart of S and K taking turns falling sick, there was S's school winter market to bake for, K's daycare christmas party, M's annual lab christmas party and small bakes that we do for people at our local Saturday market. The gingerbread houses were done as our annual first advent… Continue reading The holiday season

Fried rice

Whenever I am doing  a dish that involves rice, I always cook extra to make fried rice on a day that leaves no room for advance preparation. Today was one such day. The kids were due for a haircut...we could barely see their eyes and they could barely see where they were going! Appointment was… Continue reading Fried rice

A light coconut base soup

I realised that apart from the usual suspects, I didn't have a good repertoire of vegetarian dishes. I remember mom cooking all sorts of yummy (at the time the meals were met with groans) meals. So a quick call to mom and armed with vague quantities of what I needed, I was ready to introduce… Continue reading A light coconut base soup